(clik here) (PUBLIC NOTICE)Curbing the Menace of Ragging in AICTE-Approved Technical Institutions

S. No. Act of Ragging Punishments
1. Teasing or embarrassing or humiliating a student Imprisonment up to six months or fine up to Rs.1000/- or both.
2. Assaulting or using criminal force or criminal intimidation of a student Imprisonment up to one year or fine up to Rs.2000/- or both
3. Wrongfully restraining or wrongfully confining or causing hurt to student Imprisonment up to two years or fine up to Rs.5000/- or both
4. Causing grievous hurt to or kidnapping or abducting or raping or committing unnatural offence with a student Imprisonment up to 5 years or fine up to Rs.10000/-
5. Causing death or abetting suicide Imprisonment for life or fine up to Rs.50000/-


  1. Sri P. Durga Prasad, Asst Prof, Coordinator.
  2. Ch. Santosh Kumarf,Asst Prof, Member
  3. Sri S. Mahaboob Khan , Asst Prof ,Member.
  4. Smt. K. Divya Lakshmi, Asst Prof ,Member.
  5. Smt. M. Mary Jasmine, Asst Prof ,Member.
  6. A. Mahesh Babu, Asst Prof ,Member.
  7. G. Mamatha, Asst Prof ,Member.

Minutes of Meetings 2023-24

Minutes of Meetings 2021-22


Activity Reports

  • 2021-22
  • * KSRMCE/Anti-Ragging/2013-14/2/Circular(download click here)


    Minutes of Meetings 2023-24